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New world elite weight loss package - brand-new world elite weight loss package

01-02-2017 à 12:26:55
New world elite weight loss package
Just like the Spirit can dwell in everyone who is filled, He can also be in Heaven, in Jesus, and in John the Baptist all at the same time. Despite of everything that happens in this world nothing will separate us from the love of Jesus,We will never perish John3:16. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. On Sunday, Feb. I pray for the safety of all who are experiencing this first-hand, more so than we. God is LOVE. One of the major signs of second coming is gathering of many nations or alignment of many nations. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. The article was written with a cause and effect hypothetical prophetic scenario. He has given us all the gift to be ministers. Although a person whose name was not mentioned in the article, was scoffed at when he spoke out about it. The Old and New testaments both show that Jesus Christ is God. I find it hard to find someone to talk to lots of people dont talk of Jesus. You see people including myself falling in love with electronically technologised gadgets and tools. The rest of the world sees this, but our very own people cannot. I want to be ready i know if i would ever get killed for believing in God and preaching the gospel my heart believes that the kingdom of GOD the creator of EVERYTHING will be awaiting. The organization we have been signed onto 17 yrs by Bush Sr is UN Agenda 21 in Rio and under it our freedoms have slowly been ceded one by one as cities mainly but many have personally had their land taken by EPA through their ideas. It will be a marriage of politics and religion. I was fairly familiar with most of this information but never actually put the pieces together. I bet if you offered at this point Jesus or a thousand dollars. Have you heard of the new religion Chrislam. Right now. We who believe in Jesus Christ will not be around for the Great Tribulation. Ok Patrick, I think I found some articles that may help us understand what Michael Brown is saying. Jesus apostles suffer and died for him teaching the gospel. Thank God, the new world government will take effect only after the rapture, i may not be around to see it. It scares me more every day of what i see. These times provide an excellent tool for winning new unbelievers and edifying current believers. The Lord has revealed a lot to me also, but any true child of God and prophet knows that secrets are to reveal in the God appointed time. God bless. He gun runs to the terrorists who attacked on 9-11 in Benghazi, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, the muslim brotherhood. Jesus also said that his followers will be persecuted (taken captive or killed) and that this calls for faithfulness and patient endurance. Jesus is the only name above all names to be saved by. Fiery pits of Hell is not where I would want to go. All this does is induce FEAR, fear is a product of the mind. He favors muslim over Americans, in an economic crisis, he sends billions upon billions of OUR tax dollars to Muslim countries for mosques and military aid, he gives them 240 Abram tanks, 26 F-16 fighter jets, then more money. Some are saying that others claim we are actually witnessing some of Isaiah 17 taking place now in our times. With this being said, what are Christians supposed to do who know what ONE really is. Talk with Christ, he knows of your concerns, even before you ask or speak with him about it. I pray for your awakening to Jesus Christ the son of Almighty God. When we hear about the World Court, it is referring to the court system that has been created to enforce the laws of the world governmental system. Also we do not know what the ten nations symbolized by the ten horns are just yet. Understand that in the time of the anti-christ Christians will be tortured and executed. But soon will be the crash of the economy, and the control of the evil leader of the world will take over with his economy. If they do, I will eat my words and I will write you a letter of apology on this site. I am suffering because I KNOW what great problem we are having because of the GREAT lies we have been given in school and, yes even in our churches. This a video game for the powerful people in religion and governments, banks to control use by giving use choices that they come up with. People care more about basketball brackets and sports tournaments than they do about our future here on earth. ) I refuse your restrictions, you refuse your money. But yet the Republican party continues to support the NWO. What does it say about the Petro Dollar created by Nixon when he agreed to protect the Middle East oil fields in exchange for their word they would always sell oil in US Dollars. As Christians, we need to pick up our cross everyday and follow Jesus and be obedient to him. As the Anti-Christ will even fool the Elect as like it says in my Bibles. Jesus was whole, had all ribs, never married, had no children. I hope this helped us understand what he is trying to say to us. The saints from the tribulation are the ones who get saved during the tribulation. The Bible does not give us the prophetic destiny of India so I cannot tell you how conditions will be. and cannot get anything but local free TV in this area. You have help me to understand the book of Revelation and the endtimes which I think is immenient. In my experience, any time someone has given a prophetic word with a date, it has always failed. I would like to have more knowledge about the endtime. My first time on the End Times site and have a great interest in the coming events. I will like to hear more about the new world order. I leaned in this direction before I began to follow any news reports on them. He also is the God of Wrath, (like Obama may or may not realize) God will judge the crooked ways of any leaders. There is someone called HaShatan and he does the will of HaShem. Pastor Baxtor, I have just found your messages on U-TUBE and I have really been educated through your you-tube messages. When Jesus returns there will be no more Human Government. If we would seek Him like a baby seeks for a bottle to drink this world would be a better place. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Have you not read that in the last days they will a be taught by God. He refuses to secure our borders and invites the world to our welfare and obamacare system. While He was in the flesh, He was fashioned just like us, with fleshly limits. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Child like analogy: You and I are brothers, we both have a million dollars. They wondered how in the world this could be. Well, he is been here several times already and we have recognized him in some other vehicles. There are two things that we believe can happen next. Heaven is our home and one day we will be there. Baxter is so intriguing because prophecy is totally over my head. I cannot say he has never given someone a date like this. Then do your hand as if you are playing a real game. You see John 1:1 tells us He is the logos, the expression or word. But what if they muslim infiltrated their way into the government in every country and nations of the world, and with satans influence or power thru minds or magic can achieve to have every country elect a muslim to run as pm or governor for that country, they then could unite and have a very antichristian world order. Why is it that so many Christians, even oneness pentecostals, are falling so hard for the Republican party. After the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, we began hearing new terms like World Community and International Community. You want all these things to happen to prove and say See god does exist and is right. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. What does it say about our invasion of Iraq after Saddam decided he would not longer deal in US Dollars. I must say that the bible is a puzzling clue for us to understand what it conveys. There might be a hidden secret behind the game pads. These things have been spiritually discerned through the Holy Spirit. Does the bible say the last pope will be the false prophet. We do not know if this prophecy is true, but it is interesting. We will not just disappear. We need to be in prayer folks, me included. H. God is the only one who knows the day and the hour. God bless. If God is the only savior and Jesus is the savior, then Jesus must be God. I hope you denounce this false information asap. In recent time it has become open to me, that only Gd Himself knows how to preserve His own. They will be handed the reign of the world very very shortly. What other words can I use to narrow the search. What brought you online was football news and not nude pictures. This episode put whole picture together. No, the Bible does not say anything regarding this. A couple of weeks ago I run across another website that relayed that in July of 2009 during the Popes vist to the White House. For we will be delivered up, to either deny him, or proclaim him our LORD. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. The rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire was reborn that day. pick a game pad and then drop it. W. Watching these explanations by Rev. It does not involve agreements or choices between men. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. We have turned into Sodom and Gomorrah, our leaders totally disregard Him and He has taken His protection from us. Obviously this is speaking about Jesus and if Jesus is the first and the last and God is the first and the last then Jesus is God. knowledge in the Word of God and by the help of the Holy Spirit we can be set free and become over comers. And I believe that verse means the rapture will take place after the antichrist has been revealed. Thank you very much for your inspired messaged, very powerful to me. Look at Europe and the rest of the World. You dare talk about how people live their lives the church shrinks (population). It is very sad to see that the teachings of Jesus are being set aside from all what reality is. Not sure where you got your information, but it is incorrect. The only thing that would make sense, would be so that we do not denounce Jesus. You might run across some interesting facts about Prescott Bush, H. Praise the Lord for your ministry, God Bless You and your family. Internet tracking sunglasses, samsung wraparound wrist communicator, etc. God keep u safe and good brother. Something far more complex than what we are aware of. When we hear about international law, it is referring to the laws of the international government. Thank you so much and I thoroughly enjoy the program. He has taken over the IRS, the Census Bureau, NSA, our own military is at his mercy as he rips them apart with GLADD and CAIR. If we diced not to be in a religious group, how can we have a one world religion. leading me in my path for the truth. So long and great blessings to you as you search these things and are able to apply them to not only yourself but to others. A one world government is in fact a possibility. Surely if something this large in scale were to occur, it would have been brought out. All I know is that Jesus wins in the end. I have a profound respect for all the sacred books that have been written and for the people that finds in their church, what they need to continue their faith and their life here. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. This is nuts how people are blind to the times we live in. We should always pray that God would not strengthen our muscles but our trust in him for perseverance and salvation. There is no one person who has the power to galvinize humanity. Jesus Christ is the manifestation of God in the flesh, therefore He is God. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. My fav scripture is Revelation Chp 13: verses 16-18. If you go to a different bank, not where you opened it: ie Bank of America and a local name bank, you may be charged a fee. It is a movement to form the One World Religion. There are still too many prophecies regarding the antichrist that have not been completed: coming out of a ten member nation, uprooting three of the members and etc. The Rapture will happen when we least expect it, in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, so I doubt we will see the sun darkened and all of that. Since Jesus is God manifest in flesh 1 tim 3 16 he cannot be another person. The right versus left battle preoccupies the masses, church included, as it is intended to do. I am a true prophet and servant of the Lord as all of the true prophets of the past have been but most people will not believe me just as the Lord told me they would not, nevertheless do believe me and trust the bible and read all of it and do not deny the Lord even if it means your own death, may the Lord reveal the truth to you. How can we start pointing out who the antichrist might be. Then imagine picking it again to play a game. Many answers are not from the Bible directly but in part. This has nothing to do with the original intent and message of the text which was written by a 1st century Christian to the 1st century Church. Evangelical Christians should be leading the charge in the liberty movement. One think i know that if we preach to others,people may know what is coming. To deny that Jesus is God is to deny the deity of Christ. Nobody is going anywhere until after the antichrist comes, the mark of the beast is enforced and the great falling away of the church happens. o God protect ur own as we see this prophecy unfolding. I surely do believe that we are in the end times, I just hope and pray that my family is ready in spirit and has their house in order with the lord Jesus Christ. I miss the studies, but found you on internet. He will come as a thief to those who are in darkness. Let your word be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. If you will seek after Him, He will provide for you. I know the wording is confusing, but for some reason it is what sounds best to me for my explanation. Those like the iluminati know the whole would history so they are in charge of those that dont. Pls refrain from judging things by what you see or hear. We will likely have a better idea about these regions when we are in the tribulation. We are living in the end times, whether you believe it or not. 2009 ) as one of five. God has called me to prepare the people for His 2nd coming. Wonderful teachings indeed. Sheol is a Jewish word for hell. It was the greatest because it was founded on the God of Creation. Any person with a political mind can watch the way a government is formed and draw the same conclusions you have. The Bible says he will come from that region of the world (Mideast), so since God considers Israel to be the center of the earth, that counts out the Pope. If you need help I will help I will pray for all. The gentile will learn from the Jew and will seek us out. The Bible prophesies that the Antichrist will ultimately reign over this world government for three-and-one-half years just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus to establish His own world government. there are some 5 min utubes that are pretty all encompassing. Thank you for that reply, the world is getting crazy. Its hard for me to understand anything political. Bush put together a UN coalition of 29 nations to fight against Saddam. Desist from it else u will be destroyd by the great God. Even if we are persecuted for His sake, He will be there as a comforter to aid us. Thank you for sharing your ministry and how the Lord is using you to bring many to come to Christ. I have visions Michael and God has never given me an exact date about when a vision is going to take place. I believe that the beast with four heads will give its power to the Christ impersonator pope who will consolidate the four heads into a one world government and religion that will be based on a theocracy of universalism. Also in Revelation it says that it will have a wound on his head. There is a lot of pepole that could use a answer to this question. And yet he will soon come up out of the bottomless pit and go to eternal destruction. He also says my people parish for the lack of knowledge. And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. I hope and pray that this can be avoided so that i may live a life without this worry, which i believe is selfish of me but I still do it. It (the Bible) also says that it (AntiChrist) will be loved by many and feared by others (Christians). Will any country exclude it self from the 666. It is said that the Anti-Christ walks amongst us today. We humans on earth are not powerful to end all life in the heart of this Universe. Jesus loves us all and His on our hearts knocking. But, I understand there are good arguments that a believer should participate in the political process. Be careful what you agree with, even the devil knows the scripture. We are in the final hour and Satan man and prophet are in place already. The Jesuits are a religious (monastic) order under the Catholic Church. When the politicians took prayer out of our schools in 1963 our country started the death spiral. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. I am sorry Mr Rooker but I think you have miss spoken. They are all components of the one-world government, the world government prophesied for the endtime 2,000 years ago. These teachings are those that are LIES combined with the TRUTH OF GOD. I am trying to find a map showing countries and names that are in the European Union now. When the real mosiach comes, and not the man mage god called jesus, then a different way of life will come. You can take a few scriptures out of context and prove anything you want. The Son is a title given to the man Jesus to fulfill the law and make propitiation for sin. There is to much love in this world to be completely eliminated. That is, unless there are some drastic changes. (Common sense dictates that if I continue to buy bubble gum, I will never be able to repay my loan, and you will be out not only your investment on me, but also the wise investments you could have made elsewhere with said money(s). Only God knows. They are always and I repeat, always, a source of division. I think we are in times of such economic depression that it is easy for people to believe this is the end of the world. and take in the salvation which is free of charge. I hope we are extremely close to the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation. The true goal of capitalism is to form competing corporations out of all the rest of the countries of the world. Pray to him, pray to the Father in heaven. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. The presence of our Father and Creator is not questionable and we all feel we need to participate in this good thing that is to happen. I believe you have a love and a zeal for prophecy. For His own brethern, are denying His name. Bush and his work with the CIA during the Kennedy assassination. All we need to do is to cling to Him in total submission and maximize His grace which is available now. I love you God thank you for Putting me and the family you blessed me with here to spread Your Word. How shall it be like this new world order. It is now called the European Union. What does it say about organized crime running everything and buying our politicians and judges. Obama is just serving himself and others that agree with him. God is not a dictator but rather a God of principals and He does not change His principals. I believe you follow a lot of people who are teaching prophetic messages. But whichever way, we need to be at alert. Thus the pope will be the spiritual leader of the final Holy Roman Empire and he will be the False Prophet. AMEN. I am not making an argument against the owg beast, or the beasts that are part of it. Jesus Christ is coming back with eyes of fire. The NWO is very much formed and we are very much involved. Praise God the Father where Hes eternal and to Hes GLORY. The beast, the antichrist will be a man according to Daniel 9 and Revelation 13. obama is the most non Christian we have ever had as a leader, which is a shock to the rest of the world. We must always remember that He told us these things so that we will not be fooled. For getting in depth into the word of God. And in his name I will stand against Satan and his followers. In addition, I am a subscriber to ET magazine, I love what he is doing and recommend ET to anyone. 13:7. I urge you to study your bible very well to avnid bringing curse on urself through ur unbiblical teachings and misinterpretation. People in Christ,if hear all these things let no one tells that the end of the world is near. All religions are a seperation of the true self. I am so glad I found your program the truth is hard to come by too many preaches are preaching fluff and will not preach the deep things of God because they demand obedience. Fear, insecurity and instability will cause you to give up democracy and capitalism in exchange for false peace. The 21st century is not unique in this regard. It is ALL verified through biblical scripture and current events. Yes we are in the final hour but only Almighty God knows precisely the working out of things. They all saw these periods as opportunities to implement idealistic proposals for global governance in the sense of new collective efforts to address worldwide problems that go beyond the capacity of individual nation-states to solve, while always respecting the right of nations to self-determination. I know that God has a reason and a perpose for what He is doing here and with that said. No religion is the chosen and nobody may say that the origin of all was not good. 1 Thessalonians 5 also shows us that those of us who are in the light will not be caught off guard by the return of Christ. Unfortunately, we do not know the answer to this question. There absolutely is no satanic system coming either. This should be very beneficial for your pursuit to know more about the end time. I do believe that our Christ is coming for us and He wants us to go out into this world and bring His people to Him. I would like to have more knowledge about the endtime and send some books. beast for quite some time now. Rev. As a result, wars occurs and kingdoms are divided. The problem is when misguided but well-meaning people, try to make a 1st century document (Book of Revelation) into a 21st century document. On the ( Feb-17-2013 ) End Time broadcast, Irvin Baxter mentioned ( Nov. You can go to Matthew 24:15-21 to read this prophecy. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. To me that is the upmost important to me above anything els. State Department Publication 7277 sets forth a one world police force under the United Nations. Our Father and God, has no bad intentions and does not care about punishing us, he only cares about what we really want and do in our presence, the new knowledge we create and discover and the ways we are finding to get along better. These are things we will have to wait on. Paul told us would be many. May God bless as you continue to inform the world of folded truth. The reality that God came into the flesh is the true revelation. As far as going to Israel one should have bigger plans, the universe or multi-verse. he has destroyed prior civilizations because of those attempts. Control of the coming endtime government will be consolidated into the totalitarian hands of the Antichrist. I see revelation unfolding everyday in peoples lives,their anger,backbiting one another. The leaders of this world are so evil and greedy that they have allowed satan to influence them. God. Regardless how it happens, are we ready to give our lives for Jesus. Every age has its Anti-Christ (those who oppose Christ). U remind me of those left wingers who are in total denial. I noticed that more and more good people are starting to help others to develop their lives here in the earth and I want to believe that My Creator is here with us and guide us to good things. However I missed what he said happened on that date. , now in Fl. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. The indication and signal of the second coming of Jesus Christ as our saviour is very near. The prophesied one-world government is being formed on earth at this very time. God bless. The U. Have no doubt these people are monsters in human form. God is coming back to land on the Mount of Olives but His elect are all around the world. I think that he is going to do great things for the Church. Watch out for the appearance of the king of the North and the king of the South spoken. In the bible, well i have forgotten which chapter and verse it was. Time and seasons especially time belongs to God alone, all we can do is faithfully follow Jesus and even doing that we need help. Im not ignorant about this but you strengthen my faith. I cant see there being a one world order either. Be watchful be keep focused on growing in God more importantly. I have Receive Christ as my Savior, and so I am ready for the raptor. The people we recognized as the good of the world. The spiritual leader of the Holy Roman Empire has always been the pope. The point is we are part of something far much bigger. I hear it spoken that we need fuel less generators, food stored. Dear bloggers or posters, pls i beg you all to be very careful when interpreting the bible to readers. I have shared with my friends your web-site and will continue to do so. Look up at the stars and realize we are part of a much bigger miracle. The Bible does not say that the mark of the beast is a computer. How many Christians are sending money to help Israeli families. The only comfort they can receive is threw repetition. That is not enough brother its true God knows but its our duty to play our part,we have to live holylife and hardly pray these are dangerous and evil days,Mathew 24. Love. We cant have peace in the world if we dont have love. All it will take for this man to step out onto the world stage is a major event such as 911 but on a greater scale, something that will affect every person on this earth. The Republican and Democratic parties support the NWO. LOVE. What better place to do that than the seat of the President of the United States of America, the highest office in our land, that has access to our military secrets, has his finger on the red nuclear button, and has the lives of every man, woman and child at his disposal. Furthermore, I am not worried because I know that if it starts in my lifetime, then I will have nothing to fear. There is the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. If Christ stands before me, who can stand against me. I am currently reading a reference book that was written in 1909. And maybe even less than they are potentially capable of knowing. God bless. All these things that are happening is because you believe in the devil-governments and are scared of your mortality. My spirit has a strong warning about you. Michael has posted a lot of the information in the articles, he did not give us the back up for where he got his information or how he formed his opinion. Oh GOD pls have mercy on me, for i am a sinner and i cant save my self. Nation after nation is talking about a Nationized IDs, countries comming together, European Union. The impressions we get from people that use terror to call attention and manipulate of look like they know everything, are wrong. World leaders declared that the Cold War was over, and they proclaimed the birth of a New World Order. That act is reaping monsters on our innocent as we are reaping the consequences and more and more freedoms are being taken from us daily. I believe Pastor Irwin has provided us with a lot of answers about the way it would come into power. so I need more details about the NWO. Need to remember its about Gods kingdom coming not Satans. I just love the GREAT truth you havegiven to the world. Amen. Actually Fritz, Their are basically two strongholds of Christianity left. And when they take my human body and I hope they do, I believe my faith will be rewarded with entry into the gates of Heaven or whatever comes next. There will never be a New World Order with one government. That would indicate the region where India is situated. God bless. After he has presented the mark of the beast and finished his reign on earth which will take care of the seal and trumpet judgments, then JESUS will come and He will remove the church as it is not appointed to the wrath of GOD. We tend to believe that America will be a safe haven, and help Israel during the tribulation, Revelation 12. Now plainly we can see with technology how this can be. Has anyone find out how the club of rome and the international bankers going to take o. That means the rest of us believers might get killed (by the antichrist or his allies). Satan (the god of this evil world), will lose in the end. So to answer your question, God is in Control, but satan is the god of the evil leaders. After all, the NEW WORLD ORDER would be the biggest event that Christians would have to fight in their lives. There are many false preachers in these end days. In fact so many Muslim countries hate USA and believe they are corrupt and would never cooperate. The Bible tells us in Daniel 9, that the antichrist will be revealed half way through the final seven years. you find out that you are making an unknown sign with your hand. America will lead the charge in the final hour. The World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization—all of these powerful world institutions are exactly what they say they are. I am preaching in christian channel Shubhavartha. The bible also says he will be able to bring fire down from heaven and deceive the world. There is one thing that always had me at a standstill. Revelation 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. What else is our government going to place in the minds of our kids and how will it effect our future. America will be punished for gay marriage and worshiping celeberties and taking god out of schools. Because that is all The universe knows how to do. the name is the Lord Jesus christ becausehe was God. You just cant wake up one day and start sharing out your perception about what the bible says about the end times, you see, the devil has billions if not uncountable ways of deceiving the children of God. Some now are saying the world will be deceived into thinking aliens have come to the earth (really demons) with a new doctrine which will deceive the faiths to come together.

And we as Christians know the one world order has already begun. The religious system will join hands with the political powers. We do not believe President Obama to be the antichrist. As Christians we need to constantly talk about the end times in our fellowships. The believers can only consull and be an example for the non believers, as we are truly powerless, as what is ordained to happen will happen. What about the drug manufacturers who pump out drugs and pay doctors to prescribe them like candy. In essence, it is a united states of Europe now. These words were written in the Bible not to frighten us, but to prepare us for what is coming in the days ahead. I can clearly see all that you mention in the soon coming Globalization. Both Republicans and Democrats will fall for it. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. But will they take over the United States. We are paying to fly them home from other countries. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. The 144,000 are Jewish men (virgins) who will witness for Jesus Christ during that time. Those are supposed to be judgments against the nations. Hosea 13:4 Yet I am the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me. Please keep update us, I trust and believed in you, we work together in Christ for good. He is in charge until JESUS (YESHUA) comes and takes it away from him. I think if possible a movie should be acted on Daniel 7 and revelation 13 in form of a series to show Christians where it all begun and where it has reached. God has given us the Holy Spirit as a comforter, let us press forward in the building of our relationships with Christ so that when the days get turbulent we will be able to stand with our feet firmly planted with the full armor of our Lord and we will hear in which direction He needs us to go. We are told, however, that no one knows exactly when the Messiah will return or when the Rapture will occur. I cant believe some of the things I just read that people really still dont believe that God is coming for his people. Also the rapture does not happen in a twinkling of an eye. It will be some kind of mark, or identification. In one of your messages about the Blood Moon article, you said Israel is going to nuke Damascus next year. See what happens when one reject the teachings of Jesus the Christ, small mindedness, lack of vision and the list goes on. A vote for Mitt Romney is not a vote for conservatism. That is why He sent His Son Jesus, to get us all back to the Father. Next he will be JUST what the people of the world had been looking for in a leader. They are brain washed from events that happened thousands of years ago that may have happened exactly as it was written or not. God did not come in the flesh, Jesus did. When Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union, he allowed the fall of the Berlin Wall, and ultimately, of the Iron Curtain. The ability to see three distinct heads, six if counting it as the four heads of Germany. To spend every day doing nothing but searching for the answer to life. That makes them a false prophet because it did not come to pass as they claimed it would. Also, to make this easier, I will not speak in context of the bear beyond this point, IT IS a part of the OWG beast, but not part of this discussion. Since obama took office he has managed to pass gay marriage, Planned Parenthood has flourished as we hear more and more about live abortions, and he has stabbed Israel in the back, leaked our secrets to our enemies, including Israel secrets to their enemies that were given to us and intrusted to our care. We are told in the Bible we will know the end times by the season. The New World Order will not be an effort in Democracy or a Shining Republic. That said, though I disagree with Irwin Baxter I appreciate his open forum. God our Father is in Control, but satan is the god of this world and he is the one who rules the evil, greedy, corrupt leaders of this world. I. In an old article on the IRS in ET the writer commented on this fact, something I happen to agree with. Do understand that revelation is not in order. Perry Stone is another minister who really explains the end time prophcies, Jewish history, you name it, if its in the bible he will explain it. I do belive in jesus and yes jesus is comeing so very soon amen. If you think there is you are mis interpreting the meaning. He seemed to ignore it for the most part. I am Michael Brown also, I read your comments and find them disturbing, shortsighted and delusional. This started with Americans and Brititains who have been free, but those with all the money control look at the rest of us as next to nothings. God bless. I find most of these comments comical no one knows the date or time of anything not even your troubles of tomorrow. I understand and see why you are in disagreement with different denominations, with their interpetations. There are many DOCTRINES that we follow that are not named that we follow. This will be where the battle will take place. This concept is becoming a huge proposition of some high-profile (fallen) Christian leaders such as Rick Warren, and the late Rev. David was used even before chosen as King by God. Happy to hear your version of what the Bible says about the coming of Jesus not many preach it that way. I must admit that I was a bit skeptical at first but now I am quite convinced. What does it say about solar power, wind power, Tesla. I think all Christians have a need to be taught about this end time events more than ever before. If you have been listening to the news the last few months, Michelle Obama was in the news for telling children to turn their parents in for making Politically Incorrect statements in their homes. Thinking too much about these things can be distracting. Well said and exactly what needs to be said. And although they can take away my human body (Vessel) they can not take my soul. Pray hard and be like the Lord and preach to people to repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Keep praying that Christ will reveal Himself to more people and that their blind eyes might be opened. The whole world will be handed over to the beast and the false prophet. Yes, many things have been written and revealed and are happening but some changes have been made to all those books as the times change, and all by man. David Rockefeller said that a global crisis would have to occur before the world would be willing to accept a New World Order. Jesus, as one of the illuminated souls that visit this planet with the intention to show us how to be good to others and to the world, is now coming back according to what I hear. You will be one who will cling to the cross as Jesus comes to pass judgement. Then he will be the one that is able too bring this nwo together. It is God and man blended. NONE of us have been appointed to be interpreters or given the authority by God to know who IS the Anti-Christ. We believe in the Holy Spirit and we believe in Jesus Christ and we believe in the Resurrection cause Jesus gives us new life. Jim Jones was crazy, David Koresh was crazy and I am beginning to think that you are related to them. It said that if we dont learn from our history, we end up repeating it. A way which the devil is using to deceive many christians. He used the term a few times in speeches. The second eclipse which completes the first Six happens on 8th October 2014. You might also run across some interesting facts about H. The Mark of the Beast is the computer chip and the beast is the World Wide Web and the computer. When I consider what God responds to in the Bible, it seems to be prayer. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Broke nations still want to control their spending the way they always have, while the nations who have not gone completely insane and spent themselves into poverty want more control over the broke(in every sense of the word) governments that are part of the EU. Oh my goodness take your head out of the sand. Jesus said that the tribulation would start right after the abomination of desolation. I pray for every soul to make the right choice to pick JESUS not (the Mark of the Beast), I also know that we cant control what people choose, however we can keep encouraging them to make the right choice. They have been duped into believing that the Republican party is the party of american conservatism, and the party that will stand up for Christian rights. Of course most people do not know this because they read very little. Dont be puzzled all these might not even come to past in the next 100 generations. The Bible says study to show thyself approved. If you do not believe that Jesus came in the flesh, the word is written that you are an antichrist. matt 28 19 says in the name of the father. When I was in Israel earlier this year, our tour bus took us past Meggido, or Armageddon. Today most of the messages one get to hear in ChrisTian fellowships today is all about prosperity, sweet messages pleasant to our Corrupt minds. It mentions from the earth to the heaven. The false prophet will be there to help him. Ive heard numerous times that obama is the anticrist. The Bible says NO man knows when, not even Jesus Himself, but the Father. The Bible tells us that it will be a mark given on the right hand or on the forehead. The micro chip could be another way of bearing the mark. Many of the christians to day are sleeping away through these new teachings. Some followers (other than the 144,000) will survive until Jesus return. The point is, he saw enough of each beast to make out what they were, even though they were all part of the same joint beast. Muslims are in every country and breeding hard and fast. And you will know then that you have absolutely nothing to fear. For watching what the nations are doing and opening my eyes to truth about the word of God and how it plays a role in our world today. Thank GOD for his forgiveness, and seek JESUS constantly. I dont get into politics because i dont vote. The Creator hates idolatry and jesus is an idol, as is his image, cross and pictures. PRAY WITHOUT END. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and a sound mind (see 2 Timothy chapter 1, verse 7) God Bless you. Yes, we will suffer during the reign of the antichrist. He by passes congress, the senate, the house, and has appointed corrupt judges to the Supreme Court and as federal judges. God is so faithful to the extent of given as life to witness all these prophetic fulfillment in our days. The 7th seal is the angels receiving the trumps in heaven to blow. Matthew 24:29-31 shows us that the rapture will occur after the tribulation. Not only did the shadow government create ISIS, but they are going to blame ISIS on an attack against the Kaaba and Mecca Clock Tower Hotel on the 8th October 2014. If not, he sure is paving the way for him. According to priest Rev Thomas J Euteneuer who does exorcisms, some high ranking masons are Satanists. Just about everyone, in the world, has a bank account. God bless. We all have our own salvation to deal with by searching the word of god to make sure that we make heaven our home. God bless. The 6th trumpet war in Revelation 9:13-21 and the confirmation of the covenant in Daniel 9:27. Scary thing is, only 144,000 can be saved. We would have to still be here in order to be overcome. When he was inaugurated on January 20, 2009, his VERY FIRST act on January 21, 2009 was an executive order to seal up and lock up his credentials. Michael Brown, I can see some of what you are talking about as far as a One World government in the way of governors, ministers, senate and a one world president. But for sure we will never live under the rule of someone other than us, the US. We are still currently studying this topic. I think to many (especially Americans) have forgotten the true meaning of life. We believe that the 6th trumpet will probably occur first but we are keeping our eyes on both. Our Savour will soon come. This event will make September 11 look quite small on the kill count. Do not allow Pride and unbelief to take your soul. The Vatican will eventually traipse out its final pope who will be a Christ impersonator and False Prophet. Be in constant fellowship with the Lord and seek His will for each day. Now, He became a man and that man is a part of God. The Commission for Global Governance, created by the United Nations, released a report: Our Global Neighborhood, which affirms a world court, a global tax, and global police force. John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. It does not take the Holy Spirit for someone to be able to see that. There is no time left for us to be backsliding, as I am so guilty of. People are ignorant and have no desire to know the truth. JESUS will do that after the 7th trumpet sounds, after the 2 witnesses come and preach to the world. All of the information he has posted is in those articles with the exception of his own prophecies that Damascus will be nuked next year (2015), that all nations are going to fall economically (2015) and Israel is going to take over Lebanon. Mecca Clock Tower is 7-Towers and built by the Saudi Binladen Group. And make a little more sense with the run on paragraphing. The point of these verses is that God is gathering His elect from everywhere. The scripture told us that there would be and we are to be aware and know our Bible so well that even they will not be able to trick us. If you are a Christian, pray and try to educate others to wake them up. I have been watching this happining for forty years, so it is going to happen no matter who is the president, except how he or she gets there Obama will get us there one way and Romney will get us there another way. Its the material thing being promoted every day. After reading about much of the issues with the EU, more specifically how many EU countries are upset with Germany because of their demands for austerity, and with the UK because of their unwillingness to give the EU more control and submit completely to their will. This from President Obama has not occurred. It has a lot to do with why revival and turn from sin is less common in America like that of the early 20th century. All our views may be based on what we have studied or seen in news papers and books. Nevertheless, I am excited to be living during these times. Please read Rev. For me, in MHO there are changes yes, but I would like to see it as good instead of bad. I believe America will have to be destroyed per revelation 18, before their can be a one world government. I believe that the beast with four heads that will eventually give its power to a one world government will consist of a European Union, North American Union, Pacific Union, and Euro-Asian Union or some variation thereof. Your account is filled with electric numbers and you can wire money like Western Union. I and the Father are one, yes, in the spiritual realm, you must repent to have the Spirit to discern the truth. I know something that only God could explain, When Jesus returns and once he takes rule, there will be no language barrier. 13:7 clearly says the saints will be overcome. So if you are christian be strong in this end time. Meanwhile, I thank God for Pastor Irwin for teaching me truth. He always make mention of knowledge in the Word Of God. Do you really think that the arrogance of the American people would give up their freedom to another place or seat of government without an all out fight. And as everything we create, manifests when we insist about the presence of this symbol. It is only when Jesus starts coming, on that same day will the dead be raisd through the sound of the trumpet, the same day will we all be changd in a twinkling of an eye, the same day wil we go to heaven with him and reign with him for one thousand years before coming back into the world. All I pray for is that our soul is ready for when our life is required of of us or the rapture takes place which ever comes first. It is to do with Abrahamic Jubilees, 7 x 7. The time is now for us to walk like Jesus our Lord. Jesus is alive, and in control of every thing that happens in this world. Thinking we will all be removed from the earth seems weak when Rev. I have been thinking about the one world gov. Things maybe scary, but God is watching, He is the God of Love. So to relay scripture as a profit of God is silly to many as if watching a Evangelist selling his prophecy for profit. You can search and watch them without much effort. Is it money you see in your account or numbers. God bless. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. The political battles we see now in Washington, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East are over WHO will be in charge. We will all feel the oppression of this world government structure because it is satanically inspired, and it is forming right now. 2 Samuel 22:6 in the Tanakh. Revelation is the most frightening book of the entire Scriptures. God bless. The antichrist will come, and Christians will be persecuted just as the scripture said. the name means a real name like John Smith. I watch you on TV in Tn. The bible says the world will be amazed by him. This is comforting, but study for yourself in Gods Word to be sure. Be careful what you put your effort behind. This is very true i have been comparing world and economic events to versus in the bible and the evidence is undisputable we are getting ready for the One World Government, this is in large with the current technology we have with Internet,cellular phones,News networks, social websites etc. Since 2009 we are seeing them stripped from us as the evil powers rip our Constitution, Bill of Rights away. The reason, they say, for more control is to help them out of the position they have put themselves in. I feel Christ is moving and being in my life. Anyone who talks about self serving or self made is NOT one of Gods. I blow mine on bubble gum, you invest wisely and build a future. But we are all here creating contrast and trying to learn more and more. That is the beauty of the Gospel, the fact that Jesus rose from the dead and therefore is alive forever. So it makes perfect sense to see a person like Obama in the White house with Muslim Brotherhood. Sir, i am thienlal from India Manipur state. I believe your post about greed and injustice is a good reference for opening our eyes. However, you want to put restrictions on my spending. The one world church will believe the trinity. But you realise there is a popup on your screen showing you a bunch of whores and nude picture and then telling you to click it. That would be a contradiction to the Bibles text. 21. It is so important right now to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. This will cause a revolution in this country, civil war and the American people will prevail. God bless. In the bible it also says, that the ones who believe in Jesus are not to worry. It is a vote for big gov and the New World Order. I believe all these commissions of men are geared towards a New World Order. You can do a google search on this topic and it will give you pictures and information on this. We know from Daniel 2 that the final world government before the return of Christ is the Holy Roman Empire. It takes a righteous and spiritually gifted individual to explain the bible to us. babble and live the 7 laws of noah OR convert. I guess we as believers in GOD and in spirit do have our own interpretations or views but the spirit or spirits should be tested and beyond the logic here of scripture still needs to fit truth. We as the Church are at the point in time when evil pushes back harder in society,and in families and neighbors. Jesus is coming. So they are left to do nothing as if they can only pray for these things to happen. The Lord has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. The lord is ur strenght nd may he if u re truly his witnesser bless nd keep u. The Universe. I always pray that God will send me someone to talk to and I will pray the same for you. The antichrist must come from a ten nation member union, and uproot three. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 tells us that our change from mortal to immortality is instant and in the twinkling of an eye. He will be with us through everything that might happen. You can read this to help you with your question. Greater is He that is within me than he that is in this world. This person would be considered a Liberal Jewish person, based on what I read in the article. How is this going to effect our country and the world when it goes global. There is no doubt there are those who want more and more centralized government, tho irt means top heavy beuracracy, oppression, tryrrany. It is suppose to bring Christians and Muslims together. What does it say about the Koch Industries who are destroying the earth to make even more money even though they are wealthy beyond comprehension. I know His comfort, because though not death, still a storm none the less(a war is more like it) He covers me in His secret place and my heart is filled with the joy of the battle He has already won for me. My bible study class is reading Daniel 7. What does it say about Iran jumping ship using dollars to sell their oil. John 10. If we continue to hide our heads in the sands and allow this nonsense, we deserve it. Christians now and dead will not be here to endure the evil that will take place once the Holy Spirit has left and satan begins to unleash his evil. We have allowed the so-called religious right to grab the power, in the name of God, and fool far too many. Be conscious once again when judging my friends. Certain current Christians force and impose their ideology into the Book of Revelation making it to say and mean what they want it to say and mean. S. I will continue to worship him and do my part to tell others about Him. Read all Christian churches version of end times. If Jessus were God, he would know when he is coming. No, Ben, this is not selfish of you for Jesus promised believers His peace because He is greater than the world, ( see the Gospel of St. Back to NWO, the term was used well before Roosevelt, it is an old term. He is the part of God that man is allowed to see. I fear for our future against this tyranny. Steve, our prediction came true in June this year (2016)- U. Ignorance will not save you in the end either. Back then they thought it was the end times. A man who has no military experience, whose only job was a community organizer with terrorists like Bill Ayers and who has many well known terrorists as friends, who came from out of the blue to be a senator with no credentials, and only after one year in the senate was running for President of the United States. If the Word is God and God was made flesh and the flesh is Jesus, then Jesus is God. there are so many Antichrist spirit that is in the world,be ward. When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990, President George H. We are to occupy, (live life) till He comes. It will be a brutish, forceful, beast that requires submission. Is there anything that can be said to bring you into the knowledge of the truth. he is all I find interested to talk about. There will be a one world government because it is in Revelation. If the United States is going to support Israel we need to do it wholeheartedly. We were founded on God, freedom, and Christian principles, but WE are the ones who have rejected God. I will be just glad when the world we live in no longer exists. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Repent of the things the Holy Spirit shows you that stand between you and God. Only one true church, those who truly follow God and Jesus. There will be a raising of the saints before the tribulation. To me it looks more like the rapture is post not pre- tribulation. And the former student of Scism Christian Institute of (India) since 2001-2002 batch. K Brexited. Does it mean that rapture will not take before the great tribulation. It is the process of transitioning the world into a global government. We are saved by Jesus blood and are justified by his grace. Please Google this and see how this agenda is forging the New World Order under the UN. He told us that if we turn back to Him and repent He will heal our land. What about the out-of-control health care system and the fraud. I know he saw the bear also, but the bear is not part of the EU. Any help or suggestion on how to re-retrieve that online document. Instead of cutting funds on pork and unnecessary spending, he cuts the military in the middle of major war. Bush was the first that I know of to promote the New World Order in public speech. Truly the end is fast approaching. One could point out in scripture of these end times events if one understands them. They will rise and be gathered together from everywhere. Sorry Fritz if your a Christian then you must believe what the word of GOD says about the man of sin in the last days. 3, 2013, the Herald Democrat, in Sherman, Texas put out an article about the ONE Church movement, with over 30 churches involved. There was a catholic seer that said, from his time there would be 112 more popes. Amend your evil ways for salvation. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. They were preparing for it, just as we should be doing today. Better yet, let the Holy Spirit be your guide and pray for discernment. are you ready for him to come in our lifetime. There is a far much more advanced species in the world who know much more than we do here on earth. Anyone, such as yourself Michael Brown, who gives a date as to when Christ will come back, is a false prophet. I will watch the dates to see if what you say is going to happen, to see if it actually happens. Because your relationship with Him is what saves you. is Obama the last president before the antichrist is revealed. We all might have experienced this: you are browsing the net maybe about football news for say. There are still other factors that would need to come to pass. What a grand teaching I am getting from ENDTIME UNIVERSITY. There wil truly be a one world order but my bible did not tell me that some christians will resurrect, stay in the world for 40 days, go to heaven,come down and continue to live in the earth, it is lie nd a false statement. When will the antichrist be revealed. Maybe I am wrong, but I feel our hope is in Christ Jesus. It is soon. phil, 1: 6. For some time now, I have felt like Germany and the UK would pull out of the EU. Example the love sign with their hands, hanshake style and so on. The dragon, which is the devil, gives this world governmental system its seat, power, and great authority (Revelation 13:2). Are we in anyway insinuating what it appears you are ambiguously alluding to a POL POT REGIME IN THE MAKING New World Order a very alarming claim on what appears to be a Christian website any sound Christian aware of his or her BIRTHRIGHTS would recognize as being political bastardization. please let us embrace Him. So spend your time on this planet wisely. As for people being afraid and Fighting the Battle. I hope this clears things up for you. ISRAEL, JORDON will not particapate, the USA does not have too, but it sure looks like it will at this point. We were warned not to inscript, write or mark our body. The Holy Roman Empire is comprised of a political leader and a spiritual leader. Obama, and HE scares the heck, out of ME. Do you guys have any thoughts that might help me to better understand this. God fills all things and cannot be contained so as Jesus was in the flesh, that was only a part of God. Thats what i keep hearing one world government. I have four daughters,three of them still live at home, only two of them have the Holy Ghost, and I know that this is a must in order to make it into the kingdom of heaven. We see that season now with all that is coming to pass. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. He will be handsome, charming, and able to do miracles. I pray that Jesus protect my soul and strengthen my faith, not protect me from harm. Especially when we are dealing with both political and religious leaders. May God continue on blessing your ministries and giving you knowledge to awake those who served in the kingdom of our Lord and bless you as well with new souls for the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Crist. Then in our seeking will we find truth, knowledge and the peace that surpasses all knowledge, found only through Him and when He calls, we may not be ready, but we will be willing. The scripture you gave us to read Isaiah 19:23-25 is about Egypt. I think Irwin would agree with me that people need to read more history. Keep your trust in the Lord and follow after Him. The beast or Babylon the great represents all false religions, which will join together shortly. The gospel is moving then before to utmost part of the earth as a sign of fairness before the GREAT DAY OF THE LORD. Many insist in the terrible things of the NWO, and if this is happening now, it is because man wants to eliminate the differences between us humans. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. I suggest you people stop your foolishness and N. its just amatter of time. We are supposed to be servants of God not He our servant. This is being a cowardly and selfish Christian, you should instead be praying that when that time comes, the Lord Jesus strengthens you to save as many souls as possible from bowing to the beast, not escaping tribulation. These and others are clear indication of His coming. Tate, if you will read the same account in Mark 13:27 it may help you. I do not believe we are through trumpets, I believe we are already through several seals. There are a lot of rich persons who have already lost millions so they are not helping others, and lack of needed security in America would have you think NWO is actually happening. We must learn, watch and wait as we maintain and strengthen our strength in knowledge of He who sustains us. There will never be a one world government because HaShem will not allow it. Yep, Children of God have a sense about it and discern very bad things will come. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. I love what someone said about being born naked and going back naked. Dont be surprised if the pre trib rapture is another passing fad doctrine. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. After World War II, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed as a hedge against the advance of communistic Warsaw powers led by the USSR. It is like a chess game and we are getting ready to see check mate. I believe Michael is talking about Isaiah chapter 17, Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38 and 39. I borrow from you, but want to buy more bubble gum. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Jesus said we are not to worry about it but just watch for Him. Jew or not, this site and others are great understandings of end times with different views but soundings of raving about sinful America and the world is ridiculous. Judy Baxter or rather a card and was delighted to receive it. T. The Bridegroom will come for you when you least expect it. Did they have lobbyist or the Koch Industries throwing money at them. Could you confirm this, or was this a piece of fiction. You see my friends, there are certain signs of the devil take for example the illuminati. Jesus is the way the truth and life, his mission is to redeem man from eternal destruction which is not far. That is the date when the nations for Europe formed the Europeans Union. It involves global power being consilidated into the hands of the few, who in turn, subjugate the whole of the Earth. Thex my brother we are at the end time jesus is lord am joseph from kenya. Our arrogance will blind us into believing we can survive such a catastrophe. Looking at current events from a biblical perspective is truly an eye-opening experience.

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